The momentum of praise has continued to increase! Our River Worship Team excelled in their untiring exuberance and sensitivity to God's leading. Everyone was involved!
The spirit of celebration became explosive as we pressed deeper in understanding the free gift of Father's grace and righteousness, imputed to us through the “once and for all” sacrifice of His Son!
We are unconditionally loved by our Heavenly Father, carriers of His life-giving, liberating and victorious presence - empowered by His Spirit to do our part in SETTING LIVES FREE!
The powerful, scripture-based ministry from Australia was much appreciated! Our own key River leaders did their invaluable part in facilitating excellent afternoon sessions on topics relating to Effectively Loving and Empowering Communities.
Life @ The River Concert
was presented by three bands; our own River Band, a local youth band with "Kriangkrai" as its lead singer and by a more widely known band, which plays both christian and secular music.The music was heard and witnessed far into the city. With such a large crowd gathering, the police provided crowd control. This confirmed to us that we are making a real difference in Hangdong!
"Kriangkrai" is fruit from our work in Hangdong Communities! His band practices at The River every week.
TOGETHER we will do our part in opening the way for others!
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